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Section 7.1 Motivation for solving equations numerically

We often want to solve an equation of the form \(f(x)=0\text{,}\) given a real-valued function \(f\) of one real variable \(x\text{.}\) Some such equations admit a symbolic solution, obtained by some algebraic manipulations. For example, the equation \(2e^x - 3 = 0\) has the solution \(x=\log(3/2)\text{.}\) But if we put together two or more unrelated functions, for example \(2e^x + x^3 - 1 = 0\text{,}\) algebra does not help.

For this reason, Matlab has a built-in root-finding function fzero. Its first argument is the function which should be equated to zero, the second argument is our initial guess at where the solution may be (put 0 if you have no idea). For example,

fzero(@(x) 2*exp(x) + x^3 - 1, 0)

finds the solution -0.5439. But even though we have fzero, we still have to understand the methods used for finding roots, because

  1. fzero only gives one solution, there may be others;
  2. the output of fzero may be wrong.

An example of wrong answer:

fzero(@(x) exp(-x^2), 0)

returns x=-28.9631. In reality, \(e^{-x^2} = 0\) has no solutions, and there is nothing special about the number produced by fzero: this is just where its algorithm decided to stop, thinking “close enough”.