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Section 1.6 Comments and sections in a script

Any text after percent sign % is treated as a comment. A comment can appear on its own line or at the end of a line with code.

a = 3;
% let's increase a by 1
a = a + 1;  % now a is equal to 4 

A line that begins with two percent signs %% begins a new section of Matlab script:

%% problem 1
disp(log(pi))    % the natural logarithm of pi

%% problem 2
disp(log10(pi))	 % the base-10 logarithm of pi

Clicking “Run” or pressing F5 runs the entire script. But clicking “Run Section” or pressing Ctrl+Enter runs only the current selection.

For Octave users: currently Octave does not have “Run Section” but it has “Run Selection” (F9) which executes the currently selected part of code.