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Section 1.5 Accessing the entries of vectors and matrices

We often need to manipulate matrices and vectors by extracting, replacing or rearranging some elements. The elements are indexed starting with 1: so, after executing v = [8 6 -4] we find that v(1) is 8, v(2) is 6, and v(3) is -4. One can also use indexing from the end of the vector: v(end) is -4, v(end-1) is 6, and so on. For a matrix the indexes are ordered as (row, column). So, if A = [5 6 7; 9 8 6], then A(1, 3) is 7 and A(2, 1) is 9.

A powerful tool for working with matrices is the colon : selector. When it replaces an index, it means “run through all values of that index”. Given a matrix A, we can use A(1, :) to get its first row, A(:, 2) to get the second column, and A(:, end) for the last column.

We can use a vector of indexes to extract several elements of a vector or a matrix. For example, v(3:end-1) extracts all entries of v starting with the 3rd one and ending with the one before the last. If v was [8 6 4 3 2 1], the result would be [4 3 2]. For another example, v(2:2:end) extracts all even-numbered elements of v. In the above example this would be [6 3 1]. For a matrix A, we can select both rows and columns at the same time: A(2:3, 2:5) means taking the elements of A that appear in rows 2-3 and in columns 2-5. The result is a submatrix of size 2×4.

The entries can also be assigned, for example v(2:2:end) = -3 makes all even-numbered entries of vector v equal to -3.

Display the 2×2 submatrix in the middle of a given 4×4 matrix such as

\begin{equation*} A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \amp 2\amp 3\amp 4 \\ 5\amp 6\amp 7\amp 8 \\ 9\amp 10\amp 11\amp 12 \\ 13\amp 14\amp 15\amp 16 \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*}
A = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12; 13 14 15 16];
B = A(2:3, 2:3);